Education and Resources for Healthcare Professionals, Carers and Patients
And Supporting Patients Who
Find Tablets Hard To Swallow
‘Just crush it’ or ‘add some water and wait for it to mush’ advice given too frequently to patients who can’t swallow medicines when safer and more patient friendly options are available.
All our work is designed to improve how medicines are administered to patients and encourage best medicines practice.
ChangeMed runs a website called swallowingdifficulties.com containing over 700 different medicines and provides alternative formulations to tablets and capsules. It is free to use and can be accessed by healthcare professionals, patients, their carers and families. We are also working on a new section on the website to look at thickeners used for foods and how this may impact on medicines. We hope to have this section avialable soon.
We developed apps, such as Pharmaquest, which holds information on medicines in a range of disease areas, and EpilpesyMeds which helps healthcare professionals identify the different formulations that are available for around 30 active ingredients used to treat epilepsy. It also highlights what excipients they contain. Pharmaquest and EpilepsyMeds are available on the Apple App Store and on Google Play.
ChangeMed maintains and supports two MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) Dysphagia: Swallowing Difficulties and Medicines and Medicine Administration for Carers
We provide consultancy services, including Advisory Boards and Medical Educatio strategy to help industry, academia and healthcare professionals understand their challenges and work in partnership to help support patient care.
Educational Websites and Apps
Providing websites and apps to support healthcare professionals, patients, carers in understanding medication management and formulations
Online Training for Healthcare Professionals
We develop online short courses for healthcare professional either via MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), or via this website
Bringing Industry, Academia and Healthcare Together
We work with industry to develop and run Advisory Boards to help them understand the healthcare landscape.
What we do at ChangeMed
Get in touch
If you would like to talk with us about the work we do , or think that we can help you achieve your objectives, please get in touch. We would be very happy to talk through the options and help you design a solution.